
Weekend Wanderer

Wandering the Weekends in California and beyond

Share Your Love


Share your love with the person that deserves it

Girls share your love

Celebrate your love every day

Celebrate your love 100 times over

Share your love so them so they can learn to celebrate his and learn to care and learn theres more to life than the truck

Celebrate your love when they takes last Chipotle chip because lord knows you wanted that last crispy corn tortilla

Celebrate your love when they trie to make dinner

Share your love with every feeling and emotion; sad, mad or happy

Celebrate your love when you notice that they have done the little things around the house

Share your love when you go out for a meal

Share your love when they bring home the next “project” – that boat won’t stay in the garage forever? right..?

Celebrate your love when they drop you off at the airport for a girls trip

Celebrate your love when you come home from a long day at work and they haven’t even fed the dog, they most likely had a long day as well.

Celebrate your love when you disagree, you’re lucky to have someone with their own opinion and won’t agree on every crazy idea

Share your love when they need help

Share your love when they need a laugh

Share your love when they are too hungover to get out of bed and you’re fighting the feeling to turn on the TV really loud.

Celebrate your love because love is an everyday thing

Share your love, because everyone deserves a piece of you.


If I learned anything in 2015 it was…

That white wine is one helluva drug.


If I learned anything in 2015 it was that theres ALWAYS room for self improvement. Whether it’s personal, work related or relationships; there’s aways an opportunity to make life better.

If I learned anything in 2015 it was that theres ALWAYS room for error. Get organized; something will fail or go wrong. Just smile and roll with the punches.

If I learned anything in 2015 it was to accept that trailers and old boats are and will always be apart of my front yard decorations. Along with the truck, the 4HP motor, the new canoe we just picked up, the chair Bruce got at goodwill…

If I learned anything in 2015 it was that I work to travel, and I travel to paddle. I work a lot. I travel a lot. I paddle a lot.

If I learned anything in 2015 it was that your core group of girls will always be there for you, no matter how far out across the state they are.

If I learned anything in 2015 it was that amazon prime has changed my way of shopping.

If I learned anything in 2015 it was that set backs come and go. And sometimes they just keeping coming. And then you’re suppressed down by a feeling of multiple setbacks; but in the end everything happens for a reason and there is a way back to the top.

If I learned anything in 2015 it was that if you don’t grind, you don’t shine.

There’s no New Year – New You. There’s just a New Year…and YOU. What will you do with it? Keep evolving as a human, keep learning, keep growing. Take what you learn and fly with it.



10616484_10203692522207394_8978194062482821102_nI didn’t post at all in 2014. Maybe because I didn’t have time, or maybe I just didn’t have anything to share. Well, I always have something to share so I think I just didn’t find the time!

In just a few hours I’ll be turning 25, which is kinda surreal. Cause age really is just a number, but I don’t feel 25. Then again what’s 25 supposed to feel like? I’m five years from 30 (uh, crap) but I’m also at the same time five years for 20 ( I liked 20 ). But 25…blah.

I’ve decided to look back at the past 25 years, and remember what I’ve done.  I like to think that I set good goals for myself, and worked hard to meet them. I am a huge believer in setting goals and having something to look forward to or work towards. But i also like to think that I had some fun along the way!

25 things that I’m stoked on for the 25 years I’ve been on this earth. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to look back and be like “woah, I did all that before I turned 25?” And in no particular order…

1. I had my first job when I was 15. It may have been keeping basketball game scores at the local gym for youth leagues; but it was a job and I could make enough money on Sundays to pay for my lunch all week. 

2. My phone bill. I pay it myself. And have been since I was 20. C’mon. It’s a big deal.

3. When I was 19 I successfully packed my car and moved myself up to San Luis Obispo, and then ten months later I packed up again and moved myself to Santa Ana. 

4. My Junior Outrigger Team over the years has given me some of my best memories, trips and races.

5.  Surviving Molokai 2012, and then also placing in Koa division in Molokai 2014. 

6. My ability to problem solve. I’ve become very good at solving other peoples problems, I’ll work on my own when I get there.

7. Placing 3rd in Kona with my girls in 2012

8. I learned to drive a trailer because I found myself in a situation where a trailer needed to be driven and no one was around to do it. I also learned how to drive my own motor boat, because Sam told me that’d be the only way I’d get home after the Catalina race. 

9. The moment I got my first own canoe. God I love my boat #KamanuComposites

10. I was in the William and Kate movie back in 2011. It’s a hallmark film. Haven’t seen it? Its on Netflix. 

12. When I was in 7th grade, I read the most books out of my whole grade. I was really amped on that. 

13.  I’m proud that even though I hate flying, I still somehow get myself on a plane when it’s time for another adventure…or race. I’m not trying to sound cool. I really, really, hate flying. 

14. I’m proud of the work I do at NAC. It’s kinda a lot of hats to wear at once, but I’m happy with it. And couldn’t really imagine my life any other way right now. 

15. I won the Catalina Relay in 2010 with the best teammates ever. I also think that was the last time i did that race before the canceled it two years later. Guess I ended on a good note!

16. NAC went to world sprints in 2008; however it was just in Sacramento. 

17. I successfully beat the system and got rid of two speeding tickets on the same day when I was living in SLO.

18. The very first CD I ever bought was Offspring Americana when I was in 6th grade. 

19. In 2011, I jumped into a suburban last minute and didn’t look back for ten days. Traveled all the way to Tennessee for Bonnaroo Music Festival with 3 smelly boys and a lot of canned tuna. 

20. Senior year all we did was hand break turns at Bob Henry Park and donuts in the NAC parking lot. Not in my car of course. The blue bomber would not have survived.

21. Biggie, I think he’s grown up quite well mannered.

22. Maui to Molokai – Pailolo

23. I’ve made new friends on almost every Hawaiian island, and every time I travel I meet a new buddy. 

24. I can jump my own battery and check my own oil. Anything after that, I make a phone call to the right person.

25. I haven’t broken rule #1 ; #sjciii

It’s not everything; it’s also not my most exciting memories. If you were to sit me down and make me write out what I did in 25 years, that’s kinda what i come up with. But when I start thinking how weird it is to be 25, i also start thinking…imagine what I’ll do in the next 25 years.

What I Learned in 2013

DCIM127GOPROAs the year comes to an end, I’ve looked back at it and thought about everything I’ve learned from the last 365 days.

-Pug Lyfe is real life

– Running ain’t Easy – half marathon #1 showed me that, and I always keep that in the back of my mind as I’m training for the next half marathon.

– Dreams and Ideas can come true with a little hard work – PIlialoha Designs is a great example of that and I can’t wait to see how 2014 pans out for us!

– Always be ready for a lifestyle change – 2013 threw me for a loop with a last minute move.

– Thank you notes matter – see last blog post

Kamanu Composites REALLY REALLY care about their clients – being a California Rep for them as taught me a sale isn’t done until the costumer is happy…no matter how many times they change their mind on colors

– Midori Sours – they’re magic.

– And you can get free midori sours even when you’re playing the penny slots – vegas was a trip

– Being self dependent is one of the greatest feelings in the world – knowing that you aren’t depending on anyone to make decisions for you and you’re capable of paying and supporting yourself.

– Taking pictures never gets old – same selfie different place

– There is a lot of satisfaction with meeting and surpassing the goals that you set – this was a big thing for me in 2013. Sitting down and writing out goals, then pushing myself to meet them whether they were personal, work related or athletic goals.

– Christmas Flys by a lot faster when you’re older – this also sucks.

– You can’t make everyone happy – but you can make yourself happy and that can infect others

– Chardonnay isn’t as bad as I thought – thanks Malia

– Don’t hesitate – if you want something go for it

– Don’t plan your day (or night) around people

– Twerking – the new drop it like its hot

– Last minute trips are the best trips – as much as my bank account hates them

 – Instagram is a marketing tool – ie @PilialohaDesigns , @NewportAquaticCenter

– GoPro has changed the way of my picture taking

– SnapChat is just as good as a text – and I usually respond faster

– Don’t believe everything you hear

– Don’t judge a book by it’s cover – as cliche as if sounds, I really learned to live by this , this past year

– Plane tickets do not drop in prices the longer you wait – $900 tickets to Kona for a race, that also sucks

– People move – try to stay in touch as best you can

– It’s okay to stay home and read – I have a great list of books I can share

– Karma is real – what comes around goes around whether it’s good or bad  karma 

– Mermaids are also real

– Be selfish with time, it’s yours and eventually it runs out.

What have you learned? I want to encourage everyone to share something they’ve learned in 2013 whether it be on their own personal blog, instagram or Facebook. Tag #ThingsILearned2013 , so we can all share together!

Thank You Cards – A Lost Art

“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things human beings can do for each other. And despite my love of efficiency, I think that thank-you notes are best done the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper. ”  – Professor Randy Pausch 


As Christmas holidays come to an end, lets not forget how to properly thank people for their love and presents. A nice note to Grandma for hosting Christmas dinner or a thank you note to an Aunt or friend for just a simple t-shirt.

I love thank you notes. I love writing them with a colorful pen and on pretty stationary. I love sending them in the mail. No email or text message. An old fashioned USPS snail pail letter! People don’t think about it like they used to. It’s a great way to express how you feel about something, and it makes the receiver feels special as well.

Not only is a thank you card just plain nice, it shows appreciation for something that someone may have put a lot of work into. It may not be noticeable, but a thank you note would make a big difference in someones day. They put in an effort to get you a gift or do something for you, you can put in the effort to thank them for it!

tumblr_loi68mUmTc1qb4ma1o1_500So this up coming weekend, take a minute, and write out a few thank you notes. Slap a stamp on and send them on their way. Don’t you like getting something in the mail? Happy Holidays everyone!

Pilialoha Designs

It has been OVER A MONTH since my last post. I’ve been super busy working, getting through the holidays and starting a new small business with my best friend.

It all started with a high school dance outfit, some painter’s tape and a can of spray paint. We were on a budget so we made our own shirts for all the themed high school dances. It then evolved into painting trucker hats and then eventually into designing shirts and paddling jerseys on the computer. We thought we would take this self-taught skill and make it into something bigger!

Pilialoha means friendship in Hawaiian. Malia and I  have been friends since junior high but outrigger canoe paddling sealed the deal. Our love for the sport as well as the ocean is expressed in the designs that we create.

We have three main lines: Dream, Create, Live. Those words also help us stay grounded for our day to day activities. I personally, and I know Malia as well, am always dreaming of the next big thing (in comes Pilialoha Designs). We create it! We live it!

It has been super fun playing around with different designs and being able to put them on hats and shirts. We love making the bath salts, adding colors and different scents depending on what people like. We’ve done our research! As we’ve learned that different essential oils mixed together have different benefits.

I think more than actually designing the shirts and making the products, we like seeing everyone else enjoy them. I love seeing people I know paddling in our hats. I love people having the light switches we design up in their house. The idea of being able to make things that people like is something I love. We have so many ideas, and want to do everything at once! But we know we gotta slow down, get our names out there and set up a base. 945838_325249557615948_1129692313_n 1455974_311672545640316_583703438_n 1459923_322845191189718_867414319_n 1488017_320510571423180_72616984_n 1530381_324930420981195_1942067211_n

Our website is and there is a direct link to our etsy store there as well! I can’t want to see how this takes off and what comes next! We’ll keep everyone posted!

Our instagram is: @Pilialohadesigns

Our Facebook is:

Motivation Monday // 11/18/13

Another week, another Motivation Monday.

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” – Unknown

This weeks motivational goal is a juice cleanse. I’ve done some research, talked to a few friends who have done it and decided to do the SUJA juice cleanse. You can either have it delivered daily or buy it at Whole Foods. I’m looking to save that extra buck and just go buy it a Whole Foods. After these past few weekends of weddings and bachelorette parties…I need a shock to my system. Start over clean and keep it that way. 

I’m doing the three day juice cleanse, it includes 6 juices a day. All juice have to be drank in the same order 

Q. Does it really matter what order I drink the juices?

A. The order in which you consume your juices affects how you absorb, assimilate, and digest nutrients. For example, when your stomach is empty first thing in the morning, it’s able to assimilate whatever you put in it much more than if you consumed something prior. That is why we always have a Green Juice, “GLOW” first. We follow that by our carrot based “FUEL”. Your body will absorb all of these great nutrients.


It’s time to make a change to have more healthy life style. I’m already very active, but what gets me is my eating habits. When I eat and what I eat are both turning into big decisions in my day. No more snacking in the office, thank you!

Todays #MotivationMonday is concentrated on starting clean and eating right – and then keeping the body clean and continue to eat right and healthy.

And of course keeping to the cleanse and not letting my sweet tooth get me side tracked!

I’ve got a great support system around me, well I just think the four boys I live with are keeping bets on how long I’ll last on this 3-day juice cleanse. (I’m sure they’re taking bets!) Just makes me more determined to prove em wrong:) They’ll just have to put up with my bitchy-ness for a bit!

Wanderlust Wednesday // Whirlwind Weekends

So taking a cue from one of my besties over at MadDreamDesign , this will be my “Wanderlust Wednesday” post! Check out Maddie’s blog at Mad Dream Design as she is posting EVERY Wednesday about her awesome adventures and trips! As for me – I’ve been up and down Southern California these last few weeks for weddings and other fun festivities!

Went down to San Diego to watch my sister Torey from Chico State play!


A couple Saturdays ago I had two weddings in one day, one in Dana Point the other in Newport Beach. Both couples are both very close to me and I was so happy that I was able to make both events! I loved how personal and yet simple both weddings were. They both in their own ways matched the couple perfectly, from the beautiful, romantic beach ceremony to the rowdy after party with all their friends!

Danny and Leah

Danny and Leahs beach ceremony at Doheny Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Ching!
Me and my bestie Bobbie, who now lives on Maui.


Ozzie and Beth

Mr. and Mrs. Clarke !


The following weekend was ALSO a wedding. This time in San Luis Obispo! So we packed up for a weekend of fun with old friends and watched an old high school friend tie the not with his college sweetheart!

The girlies. Bobbie, Kelly, Malia
The boys! Bruce and Will
Oh he was NOT having the lipstick kiss!
Avila Valley Barn

Unfortunately, I didn’t get many good pictures of the bride and groom. The only goods I got was them unwrapping their newly plastic wrapper rental car, and turning it on and getting baby powder flushed into their face through the AC! Gotta love older brothers right??

Whirlwind weekends and they don’t think to stop!

Motivation Monday

So I am starting something new and fresh. It’s called MOTIVATION MONDAY. Each week I’ll share something that motivates me, and I encourage others to do the same! It can be a person, event, quote or workout! Really anything! I want a set a goal each week and push my self to do it. Whether it’s a personal goal, mental goal or a fun goal! At least I’ll be working towards something each week to better myself in some way. #MotivationMonday

Motivation is defined as a reason one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.


This week I want to concentrate on concentrating and keeping organized. I’m so easily distracted, either by a text message from Malia, Facebook post…or worse INSTAGRAM! I need to put my phone in my drawer, put some headphones in a just concentrate on work here at NAC. Answer questions that need to be answered right away, but other than that Malia is going to have to wait! My desk is a mess…this week I need to just work on making sure everything has a home! I know it’s a weird thing to post about and make a goal out of…however it’s something that’s important to me and something I need to work on (just ask the other peeps in the NAC office).


Someone who motivates me this week is my younger (yet way taller) sister Kasey. She’s 19 years old and playing volleyball in Hawaii at HPU. This past week she was named Pac West Athlete of the Week which is a very big honor! Kasey has always been a big time volleyball player and works hard to get what she wants even though most of the time what she wants is to just sit on the couch and watch Duck Dynasty but really has to go to volleyball practice.  Or play with our dog Ashton who is 2000+ miles away #SadFace. Fortunately when Kasey has away games…most of the time she has to fly over here! (you can only play some many teams in Oahu so many times). So tonight I’ll see her smash it up in Riverside (gotta love that in land traffic vibe!)

I won’t have a person that motivates me every week…just thought I would share the good news of an up and coming Thompson girls making headlines (for good reason of course).

Start your week off with motivation. Pick something you need to work on and put effort towards it. No one is perfect and it’s such a great feeling at the end of the week to know that you accomplished something.


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